It may be challenging to give a premature baby breastmilk but it is possible. It is also an effective way to enhance your baby’s health , growth and development. Even if the baby is unable to breastfeed, you can express the breastmilk immediately after giving birth.


When your baby is stable, she will be fed the milk through a tube or small cup or bottle. Breast milk is the best nourishment possible and will make such a great difference in the premature baby’s life.


premature babies and breastmilk


What is premature milk


Breast milk from mothers with premature babies is slightly different in   composition at least for the first several weeks.  This milk is designed to fit  the baby’s particular needs. It is higher in protein and minerals such as salt. It also contains different types of fats that the baby can easily digest and absorb.


The fat in human milk helps to enhance the development of the baby’s brain and neurological tissues. This is especially important for premature babies. Human milk is also easier to digest and  avoids exposing her immature intestinal lining to the cow’s milk proteins found in premature infant formula.


Breastfed premature babies are less likely to have intestinal problems than formula fed premature babies. The milk you produce in the first few days contains high concentration of antibodies to help fight infections.


If your baby cannot breastfed, expressing milk in the first few days will ensure that your milk supply is maintained.


Premature babies and breastmilk


If  you wish to breastfeed your baby, it is important to let your health care providers  such as pediatrician and neonatologist  know. They will arrange for your expressed milk fed to your baby or have you breastfeed in the neonatal intensive care unit NICU. If you need help with breastfeeding, get help from your baby’s nurse or NICU lactation consultant.


Pumping or breastfeeding after holding your baby skin to skin is a great way to increase milk supply.  Some mothers also find that pumping at their baby’s bedside in the NICU is helpful


If you are going to be expressing breastmilk, the hospital will provide one when you are there. You can however rent or purchase one later for home.


You need to start expressing milk as soon as possible after delivery and on regular intervals. You have to aim to pump at least six to eight times a day. This  provides nipple stimulation and encourages milk production. You should also pump at regular intervals throughout the night for the first few weeks, and not sleep for more than four or five hours at a time.


Mothers of premature babies should try to pump at least  a 100 minutes within a 24 hour period. This much breast stimulation and  milk expression is needed to maintain breast milk supply over many years. Once your baby starts breastfeeding, your milk production will likely increase. You can also maximize  your milk production by doing the following :

  • get as much rest as possible
  • take your prescription pain medication
  • take in adequate fluids
  • minimize stress

Breastfeeding your premature baby


Breastmilk may be given to your baby through a her nose or mouth into her stomach or from a tiny cup or bottle. Most hospital allow mothers to stay in the hospital a day or 2 before discharge from the NICU to enable mothers  start to learn how to care for their infants and breastfeeding rhythms before going home. This helps ease the transition from home to hospital for you and your baby.


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