Natal teeth are teeth that are already present at birth. These are different from neonatal teeth which emerge during the first month of life. Natal teeth are uncommon and usually develop in the lower gum where the central incisor teeth will appear. These teeth are attached to the end of the gum by a soft tissue and are often wobbly.
Natal teeth are usually removed while the child is in the hospital especially if they are lose and the child runs the risk of breathing in the tooth.
What causes natal teeth ?
The teeth are usually not associated with a medical condition. However , sometimes they may be associated with medical conditions such as Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, Soto syndrome, Ellis-van Creveld syndrome and Pierre Robin syndrome .
How to care for natal teeth ?
You can clean natal teeth by gently wiping the gums and teeth with a clean, damp cloth. You need to examine the infants gums and tongue frequently to make sure the teeth are not causing any injuries.
Call the doctor if the infant develops a sore tongue or mouth or other symptoms.
Content Sources
Is it normal teeth for babies to be born with teeth. The Bump. Accessed May 16, 2016
Natal teeth. Stanford Hospital. Accessed May 16, 2016