It is essential to stay healthy during pregnancy. However you have to know that it is important to address healthy issues and stay as healthy as possible in-between pregnancies (interconception period). Interconcerption period is the time between the end of one pregnancy and the beginning of another pregnancy. If you are planning on having another baby, this is the time for you and your health care provider to address any risk factors that may have contributed to any complications encountered in your previous pregnancy.
What you need to do to stay healthy in-between pregnancies.
Address preexisting conditions : Medical condition like diabetes and high blood pressure may have an effect on your pregnancy. It is important to have them under control before you get pregnant again. Medication and changes in lifestyle can help you deal with these conditions. Talk to your doctor.
Healthy weight : Being overweight or underweight can have an impact on your pregnancy. It can even affect your ability to get pregnant. Being a healthy weight before pregnancy is crucial.
Spacing your pregnancy : It is best to wait about 18 to 23 months before getting pregnant again. This gives your body time to recover from previous pregnancy.
Make lifestyle changes : Bad habits can affect your health and pregnancy as well. These lifestyle changes will help
- do not smoke
- avoid alcohol
- stay active
- eat healthy
Know your family history : Knowing your family history makes it easy for your health care provider to know the medical conditons you are at risk of and the cause of past pregnancy problems.
Get enough folic acid : It is important to take 400 micrograms of folic acid before you get pregnant. It is essential for all women of child bearing age to take folic acid even if they are not trying to get pregnant. Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects when taken before and during the early weeks of pregnancy even before a woman knows that she is pregnant.
Almost half of all pregnancies in the United States are not planned that is why it is important for all women of child bearing age to take folic acid.
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