Bubble baths and UTI

bubble baths

You may be wondering if bubble baths can cause Urinary  Tract Infections UTI . It is not clear if  it causes it or not however parents are cautious because it may cause UTI.


Bubble baths or any type of harsh soap can cause irritation to your child’s urethra. This irritation can cause painful urination which makes the child  hold urine in. This makes it conducive for bacteria to grow


Other causes of UTI include the following :

  • poor toilet hygiene such as wiping from back to front  in girls
  • not urinating completely
  • constipation

It is essential that your child wipes properly and stays  well hydrated. If your child is also prone to UTI, it is a good idea to avoid  bubble baths. If your child already has UTI or inflammation around the urethra, bubble baths are likely to aggravate the already sensitive skin.


If you have any concerns , ask your doctor.

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