A maternal-fetal medicine specialist ia an obstetrician  OB  who concentrates on women with complicated or high risk pregnancies. They are also called perinatologists or high-risk pregnancy doctors. If you are carrying multiples, it is considered high risk pregnancy and you are likely to have one of these doctors in your team.


maternal-fetal medicine specialist


These doctors  treat women with these conditions or pregnancy complications

They also treat women carrying multiples as well  as those at risk of preterm labor.


What does a maternal-fetal medicine specialist do ?


They do the following :

  • offer prenatal care for women with high risk pregnancies
  • helps manage the mother’s preexisting condition such as hypertension and diabetes
  • cares for women with pregnancy complications or complications after childbirth
  • does tests and procedures such as ultrasound to check the baby’s growth and development
  • checks for birth defects through procedures such as amniocentesis , chorionic villus sampling  CVS or umbilical cord sampling
  • diagnosis and manages birth defects such as blood disorders and heart problems in the developing baby including performing surgery if needed
  • monitors labor and handles delivery
  • manages any of the mother’s health problem after delivery such as excessive bleeding, high blood pressure or  infection

How do maternal-fetal medicine specialist works with your pregnancy team


Depending on your situation, this specialist will consult with other providers on your team. The doctor may :

  • offer most of the prenatal care
  • work hand in hand with your OB, family doctor or midwife
  • consult with your doctor or midwife if needed
  • consult and work with neonatologist or other pediatrics experts  to make sure your babies get the needed care

Maternal – fetal medicine specialists   work with you and your regular health care provider to make sure you have a safe labor and delivery.
Content Sources

What is an MFM specialist. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/baby/what-is-an-mfm-specialist-twins. Accessed April 21, 2016

What is a maternal-fetal medicine specialist?. March of Dimes. http://newsmomsneed.marchofdimes.org/?cat=4&paged=20. Accessed April 21, 2016

Reasons to See a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Sub-Specialist.UPMC. http://www.upmc.com/locations/hospitals/magee/services/high-risk-pregnancy-and-maternal-fetal-medicine/Pages/reasons-maternal-fetal-sub-specialist.aspx. Accessed April 21, 2016

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