Extreme temperatures can be dangerous. It is important to know the symptoms of heat related illnesses to help keep you and your children safe.
How to deal with heat related illnesses
HEAT CRAMPS : They are painful, brief muscle cramps. They occur when you exercise or work in a hot environment. Symptoms include :
- muscle cramps in the legs or abdomen with or without sweating
- these muscle spasms may be involuntary , painful, brief, intermittent and usually go away on their own
What to do : Get the victim out of the heat onto an air conditioned room if possible. Massage the cramped muscle gently. It is also okay for the victim to drink sports drink, which has electrolytes and salt, or drink cool water.
HEAT EXHAUSTION : This occurs after you have been exposed to high temperatures and is often accompanied by dehydration. Symptoms include :
- confusion
- headache
- sweating
- clammy but cool skin
- rapid heartbeat
- dizziness
- fainting
- muscle or abdominal cramps
- dark urine which is a sign of dehydration
What to do : Bring the victim out of the heat into an air conditioned room if possible.Remove any unnecessary clothing . Give the victim a cool shower , bath or sponge bath. Let him sip water or other fluids. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. You can also use other cooling measures such as fan or ice towel.
HEAT STROKE : This is a medical emergency. It can cause damage to brain and internal organs and can also kill. It is the most serious form of all heat injuries. Call 911 or go to the hospital immediately if victim experience these symptoms.
- throbbing headache
- red, hot and dry skin
- rapid heart beat. This could be weak or strong
- dizziness or lighheadness
- muscle cramps and weakness
- breathing difficulty
- confusion
- seizures
- loss of consciousness
What to do : This can be fatal. Seek medical help immediately.
How to prevent heat related illness
- never leave any person of any age or pet in a parked car even if the windows are open just a little
- stay indoors in an air conditioned room if possible. If you must go outside , wear sunscreen. Try and keep outdoor stays brief
- stay well hydrated. Reduce caffeinated drinks , drinks containing sugar and alcoholic beverages
- wear light weight clothing
- take a cool bath or shower
- if you need to be outside, get a shady area and go inside as often as you can
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