A lot of people get confused when calculating pregnancy. Pregnancy is  counted from the first day of your last period. Even though fetal development doesnt begin until conception.Your pregnancy has 2 ages . These are gestational age and fetal age.


calculating pregnancy


Gestational age : It is the age of the pregnancy from the last menstrual period.

Fetal age : It is the actual age of the baby growing .


Both of these ages are measured in weeks. The health care provider will use gestational age when dating your pregnancy. It is difficult to calculate conception so your health care provider uses an estimate based on  the first day of your last period. However you have to know that an ultrasound is an accurate method for confirming gestational age. It is therefore possible for your due date to be adjusted  after your first trimester ultrasound. Most pregnancy calculations are based on gestational age. However it is important to include both ages so that it is clear which  stage fetal development is at.


Why is it important to know both gestational age and fetal age.


It is common for women to complain that their gestational age doesnt not match their baby’s development. So if your pregnancy is 10 weeks but your baby is measuring 8 weeks along, then you need to confirm with your doctor that your gestational age is 10 weeks  and fetal age is 8 weeks . This means your pregnancy is on track.


You have to know that there may be other reasons why your baby’s development may not be on schedule. If you have any concerns, contact your doctor.




Content Sources
Pregnant. How far are you in your pregnancy.March of Dimes.http://newsmomsneed.marchofdimes.org/?paged=2. Accessed April 25, 2016

Fetal development. American Pregnancy Association. http://americanpregnancy.org/while-pregnant/fetal-development/. Accessed April 25, 2016

Calculating conception. American pregnancy Association. http://americanpregnancy.org/while-pregnant/calculating-conception-due-date/. Accessed April 25, 2016

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