How your 34 week old is doing


Your baby’s vision is now almost  like that of an adult in terms of clarity and depth perception. Your baby’s short-range sight is still the best however  her  long-range sight is good enough to recognize people and objects across the room. She may see toys  across the room and try to crawl towards it.


34 week old baby


Your life


Parenting becomes exhausting when children become mobile. It may leave parents feeling frustrated. When you are feeling overwhelmed, put your baby in a  play yard for a short period of time. This is a good idea when there is persistent , unexplained crying from a healthy baby. You need to compose yourself before going to see your baby if  she  cries at night. Taking deep breaths before solving a problem is a good way to maintain equilibrium on bad days.


It is also a good idea to nap when the baby naps. You should also call your partner to take over when you’re going through a tough time or at regular intervals.


Content Sources
8 months : week 3. Baby Center. Accessed March 26, 2017

8 month old baby. What to expect. Accessed March 26, 2016

Your baby’s development by week. Parents. Accessed March 26, 2016

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