What is sperm banking
The demand for sperm banking is on the rise as infertility rate increases and more couples use assisted reproductive technologies ART. A sperm bank collects, freezes and stores human sperms. Sperms at these banks are donated by men who want to preserve their own sperms for future use or are donated by men to be used by couples seeking sperm donation for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) procedure.
Why do men choose to bank their sperm for future use ?
Sperm banking offers men insurance in the event that fertility is decreased at the time they are ready to have a child.
There various factors that can compromise a man’s fertility, some of which include the following :
- age
- certain cancers
- cancer treatments
Sperm banking becomes helpful when a couple wants to get pregnant but the man travels extensively or is deployed in the military. They can use assisted reproductive technology ART. Sperm banking will ensue that the sperm is available when needed.
Why do men donate sperm ?
Sperms donated to these banks are sold to infertile couples who want to undergo ART. The donors as a result earn some money. Sperm banks require different qualifications and requirements. However on the whole, you require health screenings and other test that are done by the bank at no cost to the donor.
These sperms are then kept frozen until it is ready to be sold. In most cases, these donors have the option of being anonymous or having their personal details released to the couple who want to purchase it. In addition to making money, some others feel good about helping others achieve their dreams .
How do sperm banks works
A man can just go to the sperm bank facility to provide sperm or use FDA approved home kit to collect the sample at the comfort of his own home and send the sample to the clinical lab to be stored.
Once the sperm sample is collected, the sperm bank will perform an analysis on the sperm to determine the motility and sperm count. They will also screen for sexually transmitted diseases and well as other infections.
The sperm sample is transferred to specially designed vials and a cryopreservative compound is added to help protect the health of the sperm during freezing and thawing.
These vials are transferred into a freezer with a temperature below freezing. Sperms can be frozen for many years and using frozen sperms does not increase the risk of birth defects.
When a man needs his sperms, he should notify the sperm bank and have the sperms transferred to a medical facility or physician.
How do you know if a sperm bank is reputable ?
You need to do your research well before choosing a sperm bank. Make sure you ask about about laboratory accreditation, state licenses and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) compliance and any fees associated with storing and withdrawing sperm.
If you are planing on purchasing a sperm, you have to find out if the bank you choose comply with FDA regulations for standards for screening and testing of donors, maintain proper records, and undergo compliance audits.
You also have to note that sperm banks are allowed to establish their own guidelines related to collection and sharing of donor information and limitations on the number of births from any one donor.
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