Shaken baby syndrome is also known as abusive head trauma. It is a serious brain injury which results from forcefully shaking an infant or toddler. It destroys the child’s brain cells and prevents him from getting oxygen. You have to know that shaken baby syndrome is a  form of child abuse that can result in brain damage or death. The condition is totally preventable. Parents and caregivers need to educated themselves about the dangers of shaken baby syndrome.


shaken babe syndrome


What causes shaken baby syndrome ?


If a baby is forcefully shaken , his fragile brain moves back and forth in the skull. This can causes  bruising, swelling and bleeding. This condition usually occurs when parents or caregivers  shake a baby or toddler  due anger or frustration usually because the baby wont stop crying.


Your baby wont get shaken baby syndrome by bouncing him on your knees, minor falls or even rough play.


What are the symptoms of shaken baby syndrome ?


Some of the symptoms include :

  • difficulty staying awake
  • breathing difficulties
  • vomiting
  • seizures
  • extremely irritable
  • poor feeding
  • tremors
  • pale or bluish skin
  • paralysis
  • coma

How is shaken  baby syndrome diagnosed


A child who has been forcefully shaken will be examined by the doctor. Various tests  will be run. These include

  • Computerized tomography (CT) scan which provides cross-sectional images of the child’s brain
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done to get detailed images of the child’s brain
  • a series of skeletal X-rays to check for fractures
  • eye exam to check for any bleeding or other eye injuries
  • blood test to help rule out conditions that mimic shaken baby syndrome

How is shaken baby syndrome treated ?


Treatment for a child who has been shaken includes life-sustaining measures such as surgery to stop the bleeding and breathing support.


What complications are associated with shaken baby syndrome ?


Forcefully shaking your baby can result in irreversible brain damage.  Most babies die from this condition. Survivors  usually experience medical conditions such as

  • hearing loss
  • partial or total paralysis
  • mental retardation
  • developmental delays such as learning problems
  • seizure disorders
  • cerebral palsy

How to prevent shaken baby syndrome ?


It is important to be gently to babies. No matter how  much a baby is crying, nothing justifies shaking a child. It takes on a few seconds of shaking to cause irreversible brain damage.


If you are having problems managing your emotions or stress, seek medical help.


Explain the dangers of shaken baby syndrome to anybody who helps care for your child such as caregiver, siblings, grandparents or friends.



Content Sources
Shaken baby syndrome. Mayo Foundation. March 16, 2016

Shaken baby syndrome. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Accessed March 15, 2016

Research Validates New Prediction Tool for Shaken Baby Syndrome (Abusive Head Trauma). American Academy of Pediatrics. Research Validates March 15, 2016

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