When should my infant start self feeding ?


At 1 year, your baby should be getting used to using a cup and feeding herself with a spoon and  her fingers. She  should be in more control of getting food into her mouth with ease by 15 months. She should also be able to fill her spoon and get it into her mouth consistently even though occasionally she will spill it.


self feeding


You should use unbreakable cups and plates to prevent breakages when your child throws them around. When children get bored, they tend to throw plates and cups around.


By 18 months, your child can use a spoon, fork, unbreakable plate  or cup whenever she wants to but may not always  want to. Around this time, children are more interested in  finger painting with their  food or using the plate as an airplane.


Some children may get over this eating behavior by their second birthday. They may even get upset when they make a mess with their food. Other kids will continue with this into their third birthday.


Content Sources
Self feeding . American Academy of pediatrics. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/toddler/nutrition/Pages/Self-Feeding.aspx. Accessed March 2, 2016

Feeding Baby: 8 Eating Milestones. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/baby-food-nutrition-9/baby-food-milestones?page=2. Accessed March 2, 2016

Self feeding : 9 to 12 months. Department of Health. Vermont.http://healthvermont.gov/wic/food-feeding/months0-12/selffeeding.aspx. Accessed March 2, 2016

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