Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive or carry pregnancy to term following the birth of one  biological child . The first child did not require any assisted reproductive  technologies or fertility medications.


secondary infertility


What causes secondary infertility ?



The same factors that causes primary infertility can cause secondary infertility.  These include :

  • blocked fallopian tubes
  • endometriosis
  • complications related to prior pregnancy
  • pelvic and uterine scarring
  • being overweight and underweight
  • defective ovulation
  • excessive drinking
  • poor sperm quality and quantity

Whatever the problem is, it either developed or got worse after your first child.


Treatment for primary and secondary infertility are the same. The first step is being evaluated by a fertility specialist to find out what  the problem is.


If you have not conceived after one year of having frequent, unprotected sex  or if you are older than 35 years old and  haven’t  become pregnant after having frequent, unprotected sex for more than 6 months, you may want to see a specialist.


You can see the specialist earlier if you are older than 30 years and know you have a condition such as endometriosis that may affect your fertility.


The emotional side of secondary infertility .


Secondary infertility can affect you emotionally. Even though you already have a child, you may feel that you are being deprived the chance   of having a big family. This may leave you with  all these emotions.

  • guilt for not being satisfied with the child you have
  • envying people who have more than one child
  • being in denial that you are having problems having another child
  • isolated  because you may feel you do not fit into any group
  • sad knowing that you may not be able to have another child
  • angry due to the fact that you think you are being denied the chance to have a child
  • anxiety from stressors such as fertility treatment and  financial pressure

If these emotions are having an  effect on your life, talk to your doctor and seek professional help.


You can also join support groups for couples with secondary  infertility. Sharing your feelings with others will help you cope.




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