What is fluoride vanish ?


Fluoride vanish is  a dental treatment that helps prevent tooth decay in children. It can also slow tooth decay or prevent it from getting worse. It is made with fluoride  which is a mineral that can strengthens  tooth enamel.


Fluoride vanish


You have to know that this treatment  will not completely prevent cavities. The treatment works best when the child is brushing , using the right amount of tooth paste with fluoride, flossing regularly, eating healthy and getting regular dental care.


Fluoride vanish treatment in children


Once your child has teeth, the pediatrician may recommend fluoride vanish treatment.  This can be done in the pediatrician’s  office. It can be done 2 to 4 time per year. The number of treatments depend on how high your child is susceptible to cavities.


Pediatricians are trained to do this treatment.  This is because most children do not have access to dental care until a much older age.


The American Academy of pediatrics recommends that if  your child is seeing a dentist at a younger age, fluoride vanish should be applied at the dental office instead.


Is fluoride vanish safe ?


It is safe and  used by dentists and doctors all over the world to prevent tooth decay. Only a small amount is used and hardly any fluoride is swallowed. It is quickly applied and hardens and brushed after 4 to 12 hours.


Some brands of the fluoride may make the teeth may look yellow, while  other brands make the  teeth may look dull. However the color of your child’s teeth will return to normal after it is brushed  off.


The procedure doesn’t hurt. However young children may cry before and after the procedure.


How  to care for your  child’s teeth after fluoride vanish is applied


Here are general guideline to care for your child’s teeth after the procedure . However ask your doctor for any special guidelines.

  • your child can eat and drink after fluoride vanish is applied. However give her only soft food ,  cold and warm not hot food or liquid
  • do not brush or floss your teeth for at least 4 hours. Your child’s doctor may tell you to wait until the next morning to brush or floss. Tell your child to spit when rinsing


Content Sources
Fluoride vanish : What parents need to know.https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/oral-health/Pages/Fluoride-Varnish-What-Parents-Need-to-Know.aspx. Accessed February 24, 2016

Fluoride vanish. Department of health. New York State. https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/dental/fluoride_varnish_faq.htm. Accessed February 24, 2016

Applying Fluoride vanish in the primary care setting. American Dental Association. http://www.ada.org/~/media/ADA/Education%20and%20Careers/Files/10-using_fluoride_varnish_to_control_ecc-holve_b.ashx. Accessed February 24, 2016

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