It is possible to experience motion sickness during pregnancy. If you were prone to motion sickness before you got pregnant, then you can get it during pregnancy. You have to know that  it can be difficult to distinguish between morning sickness  and motion sickness because they have similar symptoms.


motion sickness


If you are experiencing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and it’s not been a problems before, it is more likely to be morning sickness especially if it early in pregnancy.


If you feel nauseated all the time but vomit only when you travel, it is likely to be a combination of the two.


What causes motion sickness?


It happens to people who travel by car, plane and particularly boat. It occurs when your body’s balance sensing system  sends conflicting messages to the brain making you feel queasy. This balance sensing system includes the following :

  • inner ears
  • eyes
  • sensory nerves in your skin, joints and muscles

How to deal with motion sickness during pregnancy .


These tips can help you deal with motion sickness

  • when traveling in a car, sit in the front seat, open the window for fresh air and focus on distant objects
  • avoid heavy meals before travelling
  • frequent, light no greasy snacks may help soothe  queasy stomach
  • ask for a seat over the wing where the ride is the smoothest when traveling by air
  • you will want to stay on the deck and gaze at the horizon when traveling by boat
  • some women also wear acupuncture wrist bands  to help with motion and morning sickness despite conflicting results
  • if nausea and vomiting continue to bother you, try vitamin B6 supplements.  Check with your doctor before taking this or any medication during pregnancy.


Content Sources
Does pregnancy make me prone to motion sickness? Baby center. Accessed February 29, 2016

Motion sickness during pregnancy. The Bump. Accessed February 29, 2016

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