Any child can develop allergies. However, it is common in children with a family history of such reactions. If your child sneezes a lot,  develops a rash or hives frequently, gets stomach-ache, nausea or cramps after eating certain foods, the child may have allergies.




What causes allergies ?


Children get allergies when they come into contact with allergens. Allergens can be inhaled, eaten or injected such as in animal sting or medicine. They can also come into contact with the skin.


Some of the common allergens are

  • pollen from plants and trees
  • both indoor and outdoor molds
  • foods such as  peanuts, milk and milk products and some medicines
  • irritants such as cigarette smoke, perfume and car exhaust
  • animal dander from fur animals such as  dogs, cats, rabbits and horses

How would you know my child has allergies ?


Some of the common symptoms of allergies in children include the following :

  • skin rashes or hives
  • sneezing, coughing, runny nose and itchy eyes
  • stomach upset
  • difficulty breathing

How can i help my child ?


The best way to help your child is identifying the allergen and avoiding them. You can try the following tips.

  • keep the house clean and dry. This will reduce mold and dust mites
  • avoid pets and indoor plants
  • during pollen season especially on dry, windy days when the pollen are highest, keep the windows closed
  • do not let people who smoke near your child especially in your house and car
  • avoid allergen ( things that cause allergic reaction in your child
  • ask your pediatrician about safe and effective medications to help alleviate your child of symptoms
Content Sources
Allergy causes in children. What parents can do. Accessed February 14, 2016

Children and allergies.American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology . Accessed February 14, 2016

Allergies in babies. Baby center. Accessed February 14, 2016

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