How your  20 week old baby is growing ?


Your baby is 5 months old. He cannot express his emotion in complex ways that you can. However, he is able to let you know whether he is happy or not. Your 20 week old baby’s sense of humor and is ability of demonstrate love is just developing .


your baby at 20 weeks


As time goes on , he may cry when you leave the room and get excited when  you come in. He may also raise his hands when he wants to be picked. He may even laugh at your funny expressions.


Your life


The demands of being a new parent may make it difficult to find time to have sex. However with a little planning and effort, you can make it possible.


  • you can get both you and your partner in the mood by flirting with each other through emails, by phone or in person.
  • you can find the right time to get intimate such during  baby’s  nap times. Timing it right makes a lot of difference
  • make a date . This doesn’t mean going out or having dress up. Just planning to relax in the bath tub  together counts as a date when you are  a new parent.

If the baby wakes up during intimacy, do rush to stop. Wait to see if the baby settles down again. If he doesn’t, you can still start slowly again after the baby has been taken care of.



Content Sources
5 month old baby : week 1. Baby center. Accessed February 9, 2016

Your baby’s development by week .Parents. Accessed Fenruary 9, 2016

5 month old baby. What to expect . Accessed February 9, 2016

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