Does birth control have any effect on breastfeeding ?
Once you’ve settled into the life of being a new mom, you will want to renew your relationship with your partner. As a breastfeeding mom , one advantage you have is that exclusive breastfeeding can be used as a form of birth control during the first 6 months after birth. It delays the return of the ovulatory cycle. However you have to know that to achieve this, you have to breastfeed exclusively with no water , juice, formula , solids or other supplements for the baby. It also has to be done around the clock.
At about 6 week postpartum when your milk supply is well established , you may begin using contraceptives. However you need to discuss this with your gynecologist or child’s doctor first. They are no harmful effects to the baby when the mother uses contraceptives. However hormonal birth control may reduce milk supply especially during the early weeks of breastfeeding especially when combined with stressors such as going back to work . You are at a higher risk of reduced milk supply when you use hormonal contraceptives with high doses of estrogen.
Condoms , spermicide , a cervical cap or diaphragm may be an alternative form of contraceptives because these are less likely to interfere with milk supply.
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