Food is the best source of nutrients. If you provide your child food from each of the four basic food groups and let her experiment with  a wide range of colors, textures and colors, she should be eating a balance diet with enough vitamins.



Multivitamin for some toddlers


Multivitamins may be important for some children. This is especially essential for children who come from families whose practices limit their dietary intake. These include families who are strictly vegetarians or children who are lactose intolerant.


Other children who may benefit from multivitamins include children who have delayed physical and developmental growth. Children who have certain chronic disease may also benefit.


Children with darker skin are at high risk of rickets which is caused by vitamin D deficiency. However food alone is not enough to give your child the vitamin D that she needs. Sunlight is also a good source of vitamin D. Let your child spend sometime outside playing in the sun. Dont forget to use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to protect your toddler from sunburn.



You should note that while many toddlers are picky eaters, it doesn’t necessary mean that they need dietary supplements. Many foods such as breakfast cereal, milk and oranges are fortified with important nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium and iron. Your child may therefore be getting more vitamin and minerals than you think.


You have to also know that fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and D may pose a risk when consumed in excessive. They are stored in tissues when  consumed in excess and can make child sick at very high levels. High doses of zinc and iron can also have a negative effect when taken over a long period of time.


If you are worried that your child is not getting enough nutrients from food, talk to your doctor. He may recommend multivitamins. It is essential to choose one that is designed for your child’s age group . You also need to keep them out of reach of children so that they dont use them as candy.



Content Sources
Dietary supplement for toddlers. American Association for pediatrics. Accessed January 25, 2016

Should i give multivitamins to my preschoolers. Mayo Foundation. Accessed January 25, 2016

Vitamins for my 1 year old. Livestrong. Accessed January 25, 2016

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