The birth control patch is a thin plastic patch placed directly on the woman’s skin.  It is a hormonal method of birth control which can be obtained through prescription.


It has a failure rate of less than 1% when it is used consistently  and correctly. It may not protect you from pregnancy  if you’re taking antibiotics or medications for fungal infections or seizures.  It may also not prevent pregnancy is you weigh more 198 pounds or more.
birth control patch


The birth control patch is reversible.  Ovulation usually returns within 3 menstrual cycle after discontinuing the patch. You can get pregnant when you stop using the patch. It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases STDs.


The patch begins to work immediately. However a second form of birth control should be used during the first seven days of  the first month the patch is used.


How does the birth control patch work ?


The birth control  patch works by hormones  that are absorbed from the patch  into your system.


It works in one of three ways :

  • it prevents egg from being released from the ovaries
  • it thickens the cervical mucus preventing the sperm from reaching the egg
  • it changes the uterine lining to prevent implantation

How do you use the birth control patch ?


The patch is worn one week at a time. It  is placed directly on the skin of the buttocks, stomach, upper arm or upper torso.


It is placed once a week on the same day  each week for three weeks in a row. It is not worn during the fourth week to allow your menstrual flow to occur at this time.



What are the side effects of a birth control patch ?


Side effects are similar to that of oral contraceptives  or other hormonal contraceptives. They include :

  • headache
  • weight gain
  • breast tenderness
  • irregular vaginal bleeding
  • skin irritation
  • nausea or vomiting
  • bloating

Other side effects are yeast infections,  contact lens problems and depression.


You should not use the birth control patch if you fall in the category :

  • have high blood pressure
  • smoke
  • have breast and uterine cancer
  • have a history of blood clots
  • have uncontrolled diabetes
  • have liver disease
  • have a history of stroke and heart attack
  • are allergic to hormones
  • have unexplained  vaginal bleeding

What are the pros and cons of the birth control patch



  • it is reversible
  • highly effective when used correctly
  • you dont have to remember to take a pill
  • you dont have to go to the doctor’s office for a shot
  • it does not inhibit sexual spontaneity


  • does not protect against STDs
  • requires prescription
  • should be applied  weekly
  • increased exposure to estrogen which can cause health complications



  • you have to replace the patch immediately as soon as it comes off. If you replace it within 24 hours , no back up method is needed
  • the patch can be worn during exercise, swimming or bathing
  • consult your doctor  before use if you’ve recently been pregnant or are breastfeeding
  • it should be worn each week at a different approved location to prevent the skin from getting dry or irritated
  • your ” change patch day” is determined during the first month you start. It may either be the first day after your period ends or the sunday following the start of your period.
  • the patch should not be moved once it has been applied until the week is completed
  • it should not be trimmed or altered in any way. Additional adhesives including tapes should not be used to keep the patch in place

Call your doctor if you experience the following :

  • chest pains
  • jaundice
  • abnormal bleeding
  • redness , swelling or pain in the leg
  • if you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms


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