Back labor is pain and discomfort that women in labor experience in their lower back. It is common for some women to experience light cramping in the back during labor. However, about a quarter of women experience severe discomfort and this is usually during  intense contractions. Back labor is often painful between contractions.
back labor

Back labor is usually accompanied by the following :

  • contraction pattern that is irregular
  • labor that is slow to progress
  • prolonged pushing stage

What causes back labor ?


It is usually caused by the position of the baby. Baby  in the posterior position  can result in pressure from the baby’s head applied to the mother’s tail bone. This can cause severe discomfort during labor.


You should however note  that odd position of the baby does not always result in this condition. According to the American Pregnancy Association, research  indicate that women who experience back pain during menstruation  are more likely to experience back labor regardless of the baby’s position.


How is back labor treated or relieved ?


The best way to deal with this discomfort is to get off your back. If it is caused by fetal position, there are techniques that can be used to change the baby’s position . However if the cause of back labor is not known, using techniques to change the baby’s position is a good place to start. Techniques to improve fetal position include :

  • walking
  • sitting on a birthing ball
  • squatting and lunging
  • using a rebozzo or sheet to shift the pelvis
  • sitting backwards on a chair or the toilet
  • pelvic  tilts and hula-hoop dancing

Other ways to ease discomfort include :

  • applying hot or cold compressions to the lower back
  • strong counter pressure
  • heated rice socks
  • hydrotherapy using a shower, warm bath or birth pool
  • using something that rolls down the back to apply pressure. You can use items such as a tennis ball, beverage can or hollow rolling-pin

Using a combination of the techniques used to change fetal position as well as comfort measures increases the likelihood of getting relief from back labor.


What complications can back labor  cause ?


It  poses no harm to the mother or baby. However, the baby being in an odd position increases the risk of a difficult delivery therefore increasing  the risk of  using interventions such as

How can back labor be prevented ?


Since back labor is usually caused by the baby not being in a favorable position, steps can be taken to increase the chances of a favorable fetal position. These include


During Pregnancy :

  • doing pelvic tilts :Get on your hands and knees, curl your back up and then resume a straight position
  • sit in positions that keep your knees lower than your hips. You should avoid spending too much time sitting deep in your couch or other recliner chairs.
  • have chiropractic treatments  or massages throughout pregnancy
  • spend time each day sitting on a birth or exercise ball
  • regularly ask about the position of your baby as pregnancy progresses.

During labor :

  • get off your back : If you need to lie down, choose a position on your side or some tilt position. Being in the supine position (lying on your back) during labor increases the possibility of back labor and can make it much more painful.
  • pelvic tilts
  • if you need to sit, try sitting backwards on a chair or toilet.
  • Use gravity friendly positions early in labor. These include walking, sitting on a ball, semi sitting , leaning or swaying

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