Teeth grinding is also known as bruxism. It is common in children especially toddlers and preschoolers. It usually goes away by age 6 even though in some people it may continue into adolescence or even adulthood.


teeth grinding

What causes teeth grinding in children ?


The exact cause of this behavior is not known. However children  may grind their teeth for the following reasons.

  • pain from teething
  • pain from ear infection
  • misalignment of teeth
  • stuffy nose or allergies
  • pinworms
  • endocrine disorders
  • psychological factors  such as stress and anxiety

Your child is more likely to grind her teeth if you do. Teeth grinding is also common in children  who  drool or talk in sleep.


What is the effect of teeth grinding in my child ?


This behavior usually goes away before the permanent teeth comes in. It is therefore unlikely to cause damage to the permanent teeth.


Mention it to your dentist so that he can check for any problems with your child’s oral health.


Can i do anything to help ?


You will probably have to wait for your child to outgrow the habit. If your child is grinding her teeth because of an ear infection, talk to your doctor.  If it is related to teeth misalignment, mention it to your dentist.He will find ways to fit them together better . He may give your child a night guard. This will prevent the child from clenching and grinding  her  teeth during sleep. However your dentist will not consider this until the child has some permanent teeth coming in.



Content Sources
Teeth grinding in children. American Pregnancy Association. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/oral-health/Pages/Teeth-Grinding-in-Children.aspx. Accessed December 22, 2015

Teeth grinding. Baby center. http://www.babycenter.com/0_teeth-grinding-bruxism_1524446.bc. Accessed December 22, 2015

Teeth grining. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/teeth-grinding-bruxism?page=2. Accessed December 22,2015

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