Inducing labor is when your healthcare provider gives  you medicine  or breaks  your water to start labor. An induction may be done due to medical reasons. Some are also scheduled early for non medical reasons. However experts have advice  against this. If you are planing to induce labor, you have to talk to your doctor about waiting until 39 weeks. This gives the baby enough time to grow and develop before the baby is born.



Why scheduling an induction for non medical reasons  may be a problem.


It is sometimes difficult to tell your exact due date. If you schedule an early induction and your due date is off by a week or 2, your baby will be born early. Babies born early are at high risk of medical problems.
Inducing labor  may also cause the following problems for you and your baby

  • stronger and more frequent contractions. Too many contractions can cause the baby to get less oxygen and lower her heart rate. It can also cause problems with the umbilical cord
  • infections
  • uterine rapture

Inducing labor also doubles your risk for a cesarean section.


If your doctor plans to induce labor, ask the following questions.

  • why do you need induction
  • how will your labor be induced
  • what risks are associated with induction


Content Sources
Scheduling an induction. March of Dimes. Accessed December 16, 2015

Inducing labor. When to wait , when to start. Mayo Foundation. Accessed December 16, 2015

Inducing labor. WebMD. Accessed December 16,2015


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