Local anesthesia is injected into a specific area to provide pain relief during labor. It is given through various medications and dosages in the form of epidurals, pudendal blocks and spinal blocks. It may also be given at the end of childbirth during an episiotomy to relieve the discomfort of the perineum stretching and to repair tears and episiotomies after birth.


local anesthesia


When a local anesthesia is given at the end of birth or after birth, medications such as procaine (Novocain), lidocaine (Dalcaine, Dilocaine, L-Caine, Nervocaine, Xylocaine), and tetracaine (Pontocaine) are injected into the skin, muscle or cervix for temporary relief of pain in the perineal area.


Local anesthesia may be injected into the perineum when the position of the baby’s head wont allow for a pudendal block to be administered. However this is rare. This is done to relieve the pain of the perineum stretching. It will not relief  the discomfort of contractions during labor.


What is the risk associated with the use of local anesthesia to relief  discomfort in the perineum ?


Studies  have shown no significant risk  except for rare allergic reactions. It is believed that the injection may cause swelling of the perineal tissue and increase the likelihood of tearing if an episiotomy is not done.


Kegel exercises  can significantly strengthen the perineum. You can also reduce the risk of tearing or needing an episiotomy  with perineal massage along with warm compressions.


Content Sources
Local anesthesia. American Pregnancy Association. http://americanpregnancy.org/labor-and-birth/local-anesthesia/.Accessed December 15, 2015


Labor and delivery : pain medications. Mayo Foundation. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/labor-and-delivery/art-20049326. Accessed December 15, 2015


Anesthesia Options for Labor and Delivery – What Every Expectant Mother Should Know. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. http://www.aana.com/forpatients/Pages/Anesthesia-Options-for-Labor-and-Delivery-What-Every-Expectant-Parent-Should-Know.aspx. Accessed December 8,2015

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