What is Couvade syndrome ?

couvade syndrome


Couvade syndrome is also known as sympathetic pregnancy.  It is when an otherwise healthy man whose partner is pregnant  starts experiencing  pregnancy related syndrome. This isn’t a recognized mental disorder. Further research is needed to determine whether couvade syndrome is a physical condition with psychological causes.


Symptoms of couvade syndrome typically occurs in the first and third trimesters and vary widely. They include the following :

  • physical symptoms : These include nausea, abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, appetite changes, respiratory problems, legs cramps, backache, toothache, urinary and genital problems.
  • psychological problems : These symptoms include changes such as changes in sleep pattern, depression, anxiety, reduced libido and restlessness

Becoming  a new dad can be an exciting experience as well as emotional and stressful. If you are a man whose partners is expecting a baby, take steps to manage stress. You can also attend prenatal classes . Talk to your partner and seek encouragement from friends and family. Understanding and planning for the challenges ahead can help ease the transition into fatherhood.


Fortunately Couvade syndrome is not permanent or serious. It wades off after delivery of the baby.


Content Sources
What can you tell me about Couvade syndrome? Can men really experience sympathetic pregnancy symptoms? Mayo Foundation. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/expert-answers/couvade-syndrome/faq-20058047. Accessed December 15, 2015

Strange but true: Couvade syndrome (sympathetic pregnancy). Baby center. http://www.babycenter.com/0_strange-but-true-couvade-syndrome-sympathetic-pregnancy_10364940.bc. Accessed December 15, 2015

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