It is normal for babies to be gassy. However excessive intestinal gas can cause gas pain and make the baby miserable. Babies tend to swallow a lot of gas in circumstances such as when they :

  • are feeding from the breast or bottle
  • sucking a pacifier
  • crying

gas pain
Other causes of baby gas include :

  • ingesting  a particular protein in formula or breast milk that the baby cannot tolerate
  • drinking juice . It is advised that babies  do not drink anything other than breast milk or formula. They can have some water after they are 6 months
  • eating certain vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower
  • not drinking enough water. Once your baby is 6 months old, he can drink water. Water does not eliminate gas but helps constipation get better. Constipation is often associated with gas pain.


How would  i know that  my baby is gassy


These signs may indicate that your child is gassy.

  • burping
  • being fussy
  • crying
  • farting
  • has a hard tummy
  • is bloated

As the baby’s digestive tract matures, gas will become less of a problem.


How to ease gas pain in babies

These tips will help you ease gas pain in your baby .

  • try to keep your babies head higher than her stomach when breastfeeding or bottle feeding him
  • burp your baby as often as possible during feeding and after feeding
  • feed the baby in smaller portion more frequently
  • hold the baby bottle at a 30 to 40 degree angle while feeding  so that air rises to the bottom of the bottle
  • find a baby bottle that won’t make the baby gulp to prevent swallowing more air
  • the hole in the nipple shouldn’t be too small or too large. A small hole makes the baby frustrated and a large nipple causes the liquid to flow too fast
  • avoid prolonged sucking on pacifiers or empty bottles
  • feed your baby before she is starving to avoid frantic feeding
  • massage the baby’s tummy gently to help expel gas and make the tummy feel better
  • make sure baby is latching well during breastfeeding
  • eliminate foods that causes gas from the baby’s diet
  • put the baby on her back, hold her feet up and gently hold her feet in a bicycling motion several times a day
  • gas relief drops may help with discomfort.  You can try  simethicone gas drops

When to call the doctor

If  you are treating your baby several times a day for 3 consecutive days, you have to see your doctor. You should also call your doctor right away if gas pain is accompanied by symptoms such as

Content Sources

Comforting a gassy baby. Asking Dr Sear. Accessed November 3, 2015
Gassy tummy. Baby center. Accessed November 3, 2015
Infant gas : How to prevent and treat it. WebMD. Accessed November 3, 2015

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