Nausea is very common during the first trimester. It usually occurs in the morning although it can happen anytime during the day. Some people experience nausea during the first trimester and others  have the effect throughout pregnancy.  There are some foods that can stop nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and make the experience quite easy.


Foods that ease nausea during pregnancy

Ginger : Foods  that contain ginger in its natural form has been known to help with morning sickness. Talk to your doctor before using ginger to ease nausea.  You can steep fresh ginger root into tea. Some other ginger product  you can use include   ginger ale, ginger snaps, ginger tea and ginger jam on toast.


Salt : Food that are mildly salted such as crackers and pretzels can help with nausea. You should know that pregnant women have the ability to retain more water and cause swelling so don’t go crazy on the salt.


Other foods that can relieve morning sickness include the following :

  • lemon ( you can suck on them, sniff them or eat them )
  • bland foods such as chicken broth and soup
  • flavored popsicle
  • plain fruits and vegetables
  • high protein foods that are also high in vitamin B such as nuts
  • cold foods such as sandwiches  and salads when prepared well to prevent Listeria


Content Sources
Morning Sickness Relief: Treatment & Supplements. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed October 8, 2015
Foods to help nausea during pregnancy. Live strong. Accessed October 8, 2015
12 ways to ease morning sickness. Baby center. Accessed October 8, 2015


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