Nesting during pregnancy is the overwhelming  urge to clean  and organize your whole house to get ready for your baby.  The nesting instinct is stronger as you get closer to delivery. Women nurse in different ways during pregnancy.  Some clean the entire house, others organize cabinets and closets.

What causes nesting during pregnancy ?

Nesting is common during pregnancy. It is considered to be an instinct to prepare for birth  but not all pregnant women experience this urge.


It is also believed that the desire to go outside  causes some women to clean their house so that they can enjoy the outdoors. If your baby is arriving late spring into summer, your nesting urge may be intensified.


Nesting during pregnancy may be triggered by the following :

  • boredom and frustration at still being pregnant
  • excitement and anticipation of meeting the new baby
  • recognizing that care of the baby takes a lot of time and energy and as a result will take more of your time


When does nesting occur ?

It can happen at anytime during pregnancy.  However, it is most common  during that last few weeks up to delivery. Spring season may increase the urge. The holidays as well as other celebrations may also increase the desire to get ready for the baby.


Do not worry if you do not develop any desires. Not every woman experiences it .


Nesting during pregnancy : Recommendations

It is not harmful to you or your baby. However there are some precautions you need to take.

  • avoid lifting heavy objects
  • avoid cleaning with chemicals such as bleach and oven cleaners
  • do not wear yourself out. Get as much rest as possible
  • get help if you need to


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