Changing your baby’s diaper may seem complicated at first but with practice you can become a pro.
How to prepare to change your baby’s diaper ?
Gather all the supplies you need, These include the following
- a clean diaper
- diaper rash ointment
- a sturdy surface like changing table
- baby wipes or a clean soft cloth
You need to make sure the supplies are within reach. Never leave a newborn unattended even for a second.
How to change your baby’s diaper ?
- place the baby on a changing table and unfasten her diaper
- hold the baby’s ankle with one hand and lift her legs and bottom. Then remove the dirty diaper with your other hand.
- use the front clean part of the diaper to clean her bottom from front to back if there is a big mess
- use baby wipes to gently clean the baby’s bottom and genitals. You can also use plain water on a clean soft cloth.
- dont forget the creases and folds in your baby’s skin
For girls, it is essential to wipe from front to back to avoid infections. - pat dry and apply diaper rash ointment if the baby has diaper rash. Do not use talcum powder because it can irritate your baby’s lungs
- slide a new diaper underneath the baby. If you are using a disposable diaper, make sure the sticky tabs to fasten the diaper are behind the baby
- fasten the diaper on both sides of the baby. If you are using disposable diapers, press the sticky tabs to the front of the diaper
- tuck the diaper under the baby’s umbilical cord until it heals
- make sure there aren’t any openings around her hips to prevent accidents
How to change the diaper of a baby boy after circumcision.
If your baby boy is circumcised :
- put a new bandage on the penis each time you change your baby’s diaper for the first few days
- put petroleum jelly on the part of the diaper or bandage that touches the penis. This prevents the diaper or bandage from sticking to or rubbing against the penis.
How often should i change my baby’s diaper ?
Newborns urinate about 20 times a day . It will therefore be expensive and tiring to change the baby’s diaper everytime she urinates. You may have to change your baby every 2 to 3 hours. It is however not necessary to wake a baby up to change a wet diaper. The acid content of bowel movement may cause irritation to the baby’s skin and as such the baby should be changed as soon as she wakes up.
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