Coughing is a common symptom of childhood diseases. It is usually not serious. As a matter of fact, a cough is a healthy and important reflex that helps  protect the airways in the chest and throat.  However ,some  coughs may warrant a trip to the hospital.

When to call the doctor ?

Call the emergency number right away if your child is having difficulty breathing.You should also call the doctor in the following circumstances.

  • cough does not go away within a week and gets progressively worse
  • your baby is younger than 3 months
  • baby is wheezing
  • baby has  a fever of at least 103 degrees Fahrenheit if he’s 6 months or older
  •  the infant is breathing  more rapidly than usual  or is working hard to breathe
  • your child is coughing so hard that he vomits
  • the baby has a fever of at  least 101 degrees Fahrenheit and he’s 3 to 6 months old


What are the causes  of coughing  in my baby


There are a lot of causes of coughing in infants but some of the common causes  include the following ;


Can i give my child cough medication ?

You should ALWAYS ask your doctor before giving your infant any over the counter cough or cold medicine. Most doctors recommend  that you do not  give these medications to young children .


You should also not give your child more than one cough medication. They usually contain the same ingredients and may result in double dosing.


If you give an older kid over the counter medication, you have to make sure you are using the right dosage appropriate for his age.


Home remedies for your child’s cough

These home remedies may help your child relief his discomfort from the cough

  • use a humidifier to help the child sleep better
  • let the child rest as much as possible
  • using  vapor rubs on the child’s chest may help him sleep better . v
    Vapor rubs are not recommended for younger kids. Ask your doctor if your child can  use a vapor rub
  • keep your  child well hydrated by offering  healthy beverages, smoothies and water. For children younger than 6 months, stick to  breast milk or formula unless otherwise advised by the doctor
  • clean up the child’s environment and surroundings. The cough and cold could be caused by allergies or environmental pollutants
  • gargling salt water may soothe sore throat and clear up mucus. However this is recommended for older kids such as 4 years and above. Ask your doctor for advice.

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