What does it mean to have protein in your urine during pregnancy ?


Protein in urine ( proteinuria)  is known as proteinuria. It is common to have a small amounts of protein in the urine during pregnancy. However significant amount in  urine is an indication that your kidneys  are not working as well now that you are pregnant. It could also mean that your body is fighting an infection. Your health care provider may test you for urinary tract infections  and if you do have it, you will be given antibiotics.
protein in urine
A protein in urine test is a routine test at every prenatal visit. If you have proteinuria ,your next prenatal appointment will be moved closer to check your protein level again. The  level is monitored especially during the second half of pregnancy.  During this time , high level of protein in the urine could be a sign of preeclampsia , a potentially fatal illness.


Preeclampsia is characterized by increased blood pressure.It affects the way your kidney filter out the blood. Protein that should be in the blood leak into the urine and cause proteinuria.


If you have significant amount  of protein in your blood and your blood pressure is high , you blood sample will be tested.  This will check for your blood count, clotting , liver and kidney functions.  If your protein level is concerning, your health care provider will send you to the hospital for monitoring. If things get better, you  will be sent home. Otherwise  you will stay in the hospital for further monitoring .


Other symptoms of preeclampsia you should look out for include the following :

  • severe headache that does not go away after taking pain medication
  • vision problems such as blurring or flashing
  • sudden swelling of hands, feet or face
  • intense pain just below the rib
  • heartburn  that is not relieved by antacids

Call your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.


Content Sources
Protein in urine proteinuria. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/proteinuria-protein-in-urine. Accessed July 19, 2015
Protein in urine when pregnant. Med -Health . Net. http://www.med-health.net/Protein-in-Urine-When-Pregnant.html. Accessed July 19, 2015
What does it mean to have protein in your urine. Baby center. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/x542263/what-does-it-mean-if-i-have-protein-in-my-urine. Accessed July 19, 2015

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