Sleeping pills during pregnancy

Pregnant women usually find it hard to have a good night sleep. If you are one of them, you may be wondering if you  can take sleeping pills during pregnancy. Sleeping pills are ONLY  okay to use during pregnancy if prescribed by the doctor. There are many sleeping pills out there that are not recommended during pregnancy. It is very important to seek your doctor’s advise before taking any medications during pregnancy.
sleeping pills
Some sleep medications such as Sonata, Lunesta, and Rozerem are considered category C. This means that the safety of the drugs are uncertain. Studies in animals have shown some risk to the fetus. Ambien use to be a category B  medication but has been changed to a category C.


There are no sleep aids that have been labelled as category A. Category A medications  are those in which controlled studies  shows no risk to the fetus. Sleeping medications are therefore not a good option for sleeping problems during pregnancy.


Ways to cope with sleeping problems during pregnancy

There are other ways you can manage sleeping problems during pregnancy without having to take medications. These include the following :

  • make your room comfortable for sleeping
  • try new sleeping positions
  • try relaxation techniques
  • exercise regularly during the day
  • if you cannot sleep, try drinking warm milk, reading a book or eating a small snack
  • take a warm bath or get a nice massage to help prepare you for bed
  • you can take short naps during the day . However long naps may disrupt your night sleep


Talk to your health care provider before taking any medications or herbal supplements during pregnancy.
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