Are you pregnancy and experiencing hot flashes ?  Believe it or not, hot flashes are not just for menopausal women. They are common during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. This discomfort contributes to insomnia   during pregnancy. During pregnancy, hot flashes affect the head, neck and chest. They may last from a few seconds  to several minutes. You may be comfortable one minute and sweating so bad the next minute. Some people may experience it at night and others may experience it throughout the entire pregnancy.
hot flashes

What are the causes of hot flashes during pregnancy ?

This discomfort may be caused  by hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy especially drop in estrogen level . Lower levels in this hormone disrupts  the functions of the hypothalamus.  The hypothalamus   is the part of the brain that controls body temperature and other processes. After delivery of the baby, hot flashes are unusual especially if you are nursing. This is because estrogen level is low in nursing mothers.


How do i manage hot flashes during pregnancy ?

These tips may help you manage hot flashes during pregnancy.

  • wear layered clothing so that when hot flashes strike, you can shed the long sleeves shirt and stay cool in a tank top
  • wear high breathable clothing during the night
  • at home you can stand infront of the air vent to cool down
  • you can turn the air-condition very cool at home or in the car
  • sipping a cold drink can also help you cool down


It is important not to confuse hot flashes with fever. Hot flashes do not increase the body’s  temperature, fever does. Fever may be a sign of infection and can be dangerous  during pregnancy. Contact your health care provider if you have a temperature of over 100 degree Fahrenheit .


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