Most women who have had babies through c-section may want to get pregnant again as soon as they can. This may be due to reasons such as age. However, they may be wondering how soon they can get pregnant after a c-section.
pregnancy after c-section


How long should i wait before having a baby after a c-section?

As a general rule of thumb, it is  recommended that you wait for about 18 to 23 months before trying to conceive. This is about the same waiting period for vaginal deliveries. This will help your body heal from the scars you developed during childbirth and also replenish the lost nutrients.  For example,  if you become anemic because iron  is transferred to baby through the placenta during pregnancy or suffered blood loss through  child-birth, you need time to recover. (Women who have c sections lose twice as much blood as women who deliver vaginally).


Benefits of waiting a while before conceiving after a cesarean ?


After cesarean delivery , it is recommended that you wait about 18 to 23 months before trying to conceive.  This is to

  • allow your body to heal from scars of childbirth
  • replenish lost nutrients
  • reduce your risk of pregnancy complications such as raptured uterus, low birth weight and premature birth
  • allows  for better planning. It gives you the time you need to adjust to being a new mom and to give your next baby a good start at life


If you do get pregnant before the time recommended, you don’t have to worry too much. Many women who get pregnant sooner do go on to have a healthy pregnancy.  In fact if you are in your late 30s, the benefits of getting pregnant sooner may outweigh the risks. It makes sense to try to get pregnant 9 to 12 months after a c-section. Women older than 35 years have a more difficult time conceiving their second child. This risk increases with age. Every woman is different . Talk to your health care provider about when is the best time to get pregnant.
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