Does my baby need water ?

Babies who are healthy do not need extra water. Breast milk and formula provide all the fluids they need. However, when the baby starts eating solids, water can be added to her diet. You may also give a small amount of water  (offer 2 or more times a day )during very hot weather when  your child is losing fluids through sweat.  Give your child water in between feedings if he is thirsty .However,  need to check with your child’s doctor if it is safe for her to drink water.  If you live in an area with fluorinated water , drinking water may help prevent future tooth decay.

Does my baby need juice ?

There is no need to give babies juice. Babies younger than 6 months should not be given juice. However, if you  choose to give juice to your baby, it should be given only after 6 months of age. According to the American Academy of pediatrics, the juice should be 100% fruit juice and should be given in a cup not bottle.


NOTE : Do not put your baby  to sleep with a bottle to help prevent tooth decay. If you have to , make sure it contains only water.


If you decide to give your child juice, you have to take these precautions .

  • limit juice to no more than 4 ounces a day
  • offer it with a meal or snack

Giving your baby too much juice will reduce her appetite for nutritious foods such as breast milk and formula. It can also lead to diaper rash, diarrhea or excessive weight gain.
Content Sources

Water and juice. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed July 22, 2015
When can my baby start drinking juice. Nome’s Foundation. Accessed July 23 , 2015
Should i give my baby fruit and vegetable juice. Baby center. .Accessed July 23, 2015


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