Pacifiers are used to soothe  babies.  Pacifiers can be a good thing . They lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome SIDS, soothe a fussy baby and satisfy the suck reflex. However ,the longer you let your baby use it, the harder it is to wean them off it. Excessive sucking of the pacifier can also cause dental problems such as teeth misalignment .
wean baby off a pacifier

How to wean baby off the pacifier ?

Wean baby off early : It is the more effective to wean the baby  off the binky earlier than later .  It is best to wean the baby off the pacifier around 6 months when  the risk of SIDS is reduced and ear infections are common. You can try limiting it to nap time and sleep and then gradually taking it away.


Quit cold turkey : Taking the pacifier gradually may not be the best approach for everyone. If you think   suddenly saying  no to the binky is the best approach for your and your child, then go ahead.


Trade it in : If your child is old enough to understand the concept, trade the pacifier in and let your child pick up a new toy as a substitute.


Get his mind of it : Kids usually search for pacifier when the are in distress.  It is also very common for parents to reach for the binky to soothe a  baby.  When your child needs something to comfort him, offer him mummy comfort instead of using the binky to soothe the child.


Leave it for the binky fairy : Kids get excited about magical stuff. Let your child know that the binky fairy will take the binky away  for  books and toys. Let him put it under the pillow when he  goes  to sleep to swap it for a toy or book.


Lose it : You can hide the pacifier. When the  child ask for it, let him search for it. If he doesn’t find it, tell him you are sorry they lost it. This will give them the sense that you care and that the pinky is gone for good.


Content Sources
Ask Dr Sear : Weaning off a pacifier. Parenting. Accessed June 6, 2015
10 ways to help your child give up the pacifier. Baby Center. Accessed June 6, 2015
Pacifiers in or out . WebMD. Accessed June 6, 2015


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