Fever during pregnancy could be a sign of an infection. However if you are running a fever, taking medicine shouldn’t be your first option. You can try these remedies to reduce fever during pregnancy.
How to reduce fever during pregnancy
Increase fluid intake : Fever can cause sweating and rapid breathing breathing. These cause the body to lose fluid that should be replaced. Take sips of water throughout the whole day.
Dress for the temperature : Don’t overdress or underdress. Under dressing encourages shivering which produces heat. Overdressing also causes retention of the body heat. Wear lightweight loose fitting clothing that allow circulation of air over the skin.
Keep cool :You can turn on the air-condition, open the window or go outside for fresh air. Cool , fresh air can help remove heat from the body.
Take a bath or shower : Take a cool bath or shower. It shouldn’t be cold enough to make you uncomfortable and shiver. Get out of the shower wet so that your body can cool through evaporation.
If you need to take medication to reduce your fever. It is essential to contact your doctor. Do not take any medication during pregnancy without asking your doctor.
Fever during the first trimester can increase your risk for a miscarriage as well as fetal brain or spinal cord defects. Fever late in pregnancy can cause preterm labor.
It is essential to take steps to prevent and reduce fever during pregnancy.
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