A spermicide is a barrier method of birth control. It is a chemical product that comes in the form of jelly, foam or cream. It can be used alone or with other types of birth control to make it more effective. Using the spermicide alone, which is what most people do have a failure rate of 26%.  It should always be used with another barrier form of birth control such as condomdiaphragm or cervical cap. Spermicides are reversible. You can get pregnant as soon as you stop using it.  You should note that spermicides do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases STDs.

How does a spermicide work ?

The chemicals in the spermicide are designed to kill the sperms before they reach the uterus. They are inserted deep in the vagina shortly before intercourse.

What are the advantages of a spermicide ?

Some of the benefits that comes with the use a this form of birth control include the following :

  • it is easily accessible in the drugstores and grocery stores
  • no doctor’s visit is required
  • it is  easy to carry and not expensive
  • when combined with other forms of birth control such as diaphragm, cervical cap or condom, the failure rate is 3% to 10%


What are the disadvantages of the spermicides ?

Some of the disadvantages that comes with this type of birth control includes the following :

  • it must be inserted during every sexual intercourse
  • requires another barrier form of birth control to avoid high failure rate
  • they do not protect against STDs


Content Sources
Spermicide. Planned parenthood. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/spermicide. Accessed April 21, 2015
Sexual health, birth control and spermicide. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/birth-control-spermicides. Accessed April 21, 2015
Spermicide. American Pregnancy Association. http://americanpregnancy.org/preventing-pregnancy/spermicide/. Accessed April 21, 2015

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