Superfoods  are loaded with many significant micronutrients. It is essential to consume superfoods during pregnancy for the benefit of both you and your unborn child.

pregnancy superfoods


Pregnancy superfoods


Dark green leafy vegetables : These include kale, spinach, Swiss chard and other green leafy vegetables. They are loaded with vitamins such as vitamin A, C and K. It also contains folate which is  essential in preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida.


Eggs : Eggs contain good protein that are essential during  pregnancy. The baby’s growing cells are made up of protein. DHA rich eggs contain a good form of omega 3 fatty acids which is good for brain and vision development. Choline which is also found in egg is good for the overall growth of the baby and for brain  health.


Beans : There are so many different types of beans , some of which include lentils, black beans, soya beans and chickpeas. Beans are fiber rich and help relief constipation. They also contain nutrients such as  protein , folate , calcium, zinc and iron.


Milk : Milk is an excellent sources of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus. Vitamin D is a good nutrient for bone building. Milk is also loaded with protein and  vitamin A.


Salmon :Salmon is vital during pregnancy because it is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids which is good for the development of baby. Salmon is also low in mercury unlike swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and shark. Mercury has a harmful effect on the developing baby’s  nervous system. However you should know that the FDA recommends not having not more than 12 ounces of  salmon and other low mercury  fish such as  canned light tuna. This is to avoid ingesting too much mercury.


Whole grains : Foods that are considered whole grain include oatmeal,brown rice, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta , popcorn and whole grain crackers. Whole grains contain more fiber and certain trace nutrients. Enriched whole grains are fortified with folate and other B vitamins. They also contain iron and zinc.


Yoghurt ( plain low fat or fat free ) : Yogurt contain proteins, calcium , zinc and B vitamins. Plain yogurt contain more calcium than milk. If you don’t get enough calcium, your baby will get limited amount of calcium and this results in the depletion of the calcium in your bones.


Lean meat : Like most superfoods, lean meat is an excellent sources` of good protein. A good example of lean meat is pork tenderloins. They are loaded with B vitamins, choline, niacin, vitamin  B6, zinc and iron. Beef is also a good lean meat which contains choline needed brain development.


Colorful fruits and vegetables :Eating different colors of fruits and vegetables ensures that you and your unborn child get a variety of nutrients. Each color contains a  different type of nutrient. It is good to include different color of  green, yellow, orange, red , purple and white fruits and vegetables in your diet.


Sweet potato :Sweet potato is a good source of potassium. It also contains folate , fiber and  vitamin C. Sweet potatoes also have carotenoids which the body converts to vitamin A.

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