Pelvic pain is also called pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). It is an ache in the pelvic bone. It can also present itself as pain  in the lower pelvis or vagina. Pelvic pain during pregnancy can be uncomfortable and scary. It  can occur at anytime during pregnancy or after child-birth. You usually start experiencing this pain during mid pregnancy.


pelvic pain


What causes pelvic pain during pregnancy ?


As the uterus get bigger, it puts pressure on the  pelvic area. This causes pain. Causes of pelvic pain include the following :

  • round ligament pain  can cause pelvic pain when sneeze, change positions suddenly or cough
  • lightening which is when the baby drops into the pelvis
  • Braxton hicks contractions


Am i at risk ?


You are likely to develop pelvic pain during pregnancy if you  :

  •  have a history of lower back or pelvic girdle pain
  • have  a previous injury to the pelvis
  • you had pelvic pain in previous pregnancy


What are the symptoms for pelvic pain ?


The most common sign of pelvic pain is experiencing pain in the pubic and groin area. However some other symptoms you may experience include the following :

  • back pain or hip pain
  • pain that radiates through the thighs or between the legs . This pain gets worse by walking, standing on one leg,  going up or down the stairs or moving around the bed
  • a grinding sensation in the pubic area


Pelvic pain  gets worse at night and makes it difficult to have a comfortable sleep.


How is pelvic pain treated ?


Here are some of the ways to manage pelvic pain during pregnancy.

  • exercises that strengthen the joints of the pelvic  floor, stomach, hip and back muscles
  • exercise in water
  • manual therapy to make sure the spin, hip and pelvic joints are moving normally
  • suggestions and advice to make daily activities more comfortable and make delivery  easier  including positions for sex, positions for labor and delivery
  • acupuncture may help
  • you can also do chiropractic and osteopathic treatments


How can I cope with pelvic pain during pregnancy ?


These tips may help you deal with pelvic pain during pregnancy.

  • rest when you need to
  • wear flat supportive shoes
  • stay active but don’t go beyond your limit
  • sleep in a comfortable position
  • avoid heavy lifting or pushing
  • when climbing stairs, take one step at a time
  • get help with household chores
  • sit down to get dressed
  • keep your legs together when getting in and out of a car


Content Sources

Pelvic pain in pregnancy. NHS Choices. Accessed April 5, 2015,

Pelvic girdle pain PGP & SPD. WebMD. Accessed April 5, 2015.

Pelvic painduring pregnancy. The Merck Manual. . Accessed March 17, 2015


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