You are probably almost due or over due in your pregnancy. Your baby is showing no signs of coming. You want other ways other than medical induction to coax your little one to come out. According to WebMD, there are no non-medically proven ways to induce labor. These non-medical ways are rumors and unlikely to help at it’s best. They may carry some risks. If you need to try these methods of inducing labor naturally, you need to consult your health care provider first.
Ways to induce labor naturally
Acupuncture : It is believed to be very successful in inducing labor naturally. Inserting needles into specific pressure points on the body can stimulate uterine contractions. A study done in pregnant women suggested that 70% of those who got acupuncture went into labor on their own as opposed to 50% of those who received standard care. While there may be no risk involved, you should always consult your doctor or midwife before trying any form of induction.
Sex : Lots of pregnant women have said that having sex brought on labor. Even though there is no medical theory to prove that this can happen, it is not surprising. This is because semen contains prostaglandins that help thin and ripen the cervix in preparation for delivery. So it won’t hurt to try.
Walking : Walking may pull the baby down into the pelvis. This is due to gravity. Even if walking does not bring on labor, it is a good exercise to help you prepare for the delivery day. You should not walk too much and tire yourself up.
Evening primrose oil : Evening primrose oil is a herb than can help thin and dilate the cervix. They are believed to contain substances that the body changes into prostaglandins. You can take the capsule orally or just insert the capsule into your vagina. You can also rub the oil around your cervix during the last week of pregnancy. Other herbs such as raspberry leaf and black cohosh have also been known to induce labor naturally. However their safety is unknown. It is CRUCIAL that you consult your doctor or midwife before using any herb during pregnancy.
Castor oil : Castor oil is a laxative. It causes bowel stimulation by causing spasms in the intestines. This can cause indirect irritation of the uterus and start contractions. You should note that castor oil can bring on very bad diarrhea. This can cause dehydration in pregnant moms. You should consult your health care provider before using castor oil during pregnancy.
Nipple stimulation : Stimulating the nipples releases oxytocin. Massaging the nipples for a few hours can release oxytocin which stimulates contraction. This method is usually not recommended by health care professionals because it can bring on strong and longer contractions which can potentially lower fetal heart rate.
Spicy foods : Just like castor oil, it is believed that spicy foods may cause spasms of the intestines. This can stimulate contractions of the intestine.
Massage : Getting a massage can release oxytocin which is the hormone that brings on contractions. The massage therapist will work on acupuncture points and this can induce contractions. They usually use essential oils for the massage. This type of massage also helps you relax and ease your mind.