The cervical cap is not a popular birth control method. It is recommended by very few health care professionals. It is a silicon cup that inserted into the vagina and over the cervix to prevent sperms from entering the uterus. This birth control has a failure rate of about 20%. It has no effect on the male or female reproductive organ. You can get pregnant immediately when the cervical cap is not in use. You should note that the cervical cup does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
cervical cap

How does the cervical cap work ?

The cap blocks sperms from entering the uterus. Spermicides are added to the cap to kill any sperms that may get around it.


What are the benefits of the cervical cap ?

Some of the advantages of this birth control  include the following :

  • it is inexpensive and reusable
  • it requires less spermicides than  the diaphragm
  • it does not usually distract sex
  • it can be carried in the pocket or purse
  • can be used during breastfeeding


What are the disadvantages of the cervical cap ?

Some of the cons of the cervical cap include the following :

  • should be used at every sexual encounter
  • prescription is required
  • spermicides may be messy
  • may cause cervical changes such as cervicitis
  • may be pushed out of place by some penis sizes, certain sexual positions  and heavy thrusting
  • may get stuck in the cervix requiring the removal by a health professional


The cervical cap can cause vaginal irritation. A few women have reported bladder infections.

You should not use the cervical cap if you have

  • severe cervicitis
  • an abnormally shaped cervix
  • a  history of pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • abnormal pap smear


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