Which sex position is good for getting pregnant ?
It is believed that there are two sex positions that are ideal when trying to get pregnant. The missionary position which is the partner on top and the rear entry or doggy style which is when you are on all your four limbs and your partner enters from behind. These sex positions allow deep penetration. An MRI magnetic resonance imaging showed that the penis reaches the recess at the front of the cervix in the missionary position. The rear entry position reaches the recess at back of the cervix. However, you should note that other sexual positions have not been researched so they may also have the same effect. You can therefore have fun trying other positions.
Do I need to have an orgasm to conceive ?
Even though it is very important for your partner to reach orgasm before you can conceive, there is no evidence that a woman needs to reach orgasm before she can conceive. Orgasm is more about pleasure . It has no effect on conception.
What do I do immediately after sex ?
Some experts believe it wont hurt to lie down for about 30 minutes to an hour after sex. This increases the chance of the semen staying in and around the vagina and cervix . It is even better to lie on your back with your hips raised on a pillow. This will help the sperms move through the cervix, uterus and into the fallopian tube. You can also decide to put your knees up. There is not much medical research to back this up but it wont hurt to try.
It is important not to douche after sex. It reduces your risk for getting pregnant and increases your risk for pelvic infections. You should also avoid anything that raises your core body temp such as saunas or hot tubs.
What about lubricants ?
Most lubricants change the pH of the vagina. It may therefore affect the ability of the sperms to swim and reducing your chances of getting pregnant. Experts recommend that you use natural oils such as olive oil if you really want to use lubricants.
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