Irregular periods can make it very challenging to track ovulation. This makes it difficult to know the best time to have sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant. However you should know that it is possible to track ovulation even though your period is irregular.
Ways to track ovulation with irregular periods
Charting your cycle : This can be helpful in that you may notice some clues that give you a pattern. The information may also be very vital to your gynecologist if you are having fertility issues.
Cervical mucus : The amount, texture and appearance of cervical mucus changes during the menstrual cycle.Right after your period, this mucus is thick, cloudy and sticky and reduced in amount. Just before ovulation, the cervical mucus is thin, clear and stringy and increase in quantity. The consistency is similar to that of egg white.
Basal body temperature BBT : Basal body temperature is the lowest temperature a healthy person has during the day. Hormones cause the BBT of a woman to fall 1 to 2 days before ovulation and then rise 1 to 2 days after ovulation. It is best to take your BBT every morning before getting out of bed. You can track your BBT for a few months to enable you predict your fertile window.
Ovulation predictor kits : This method is helpful if you find manually tracking ovulation to be tedious. However, since your period is irregular, you may need to do more testing during the month.The test checks the level of luteinizing-hormone in urine. You can use a dipstick or test strip and dip it into urine. You can then read the level on the strip or put the strip in a small computer unit that shows the level of LH. When you are able to determine when you are ovulating, it is better to record the days down. This is because it may be helpful later when you are having fertility problems.
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