Can I travel during pregnancy ?
It is generally safe to travel during pregnancy as long as there are no complications or concerns with your pregnancy. It is best to travel during the second trimester. At this time you are past morning sickness of the first trimester and are weeks away from the third trimester when you are usually tired. During the second trimester, it is less likely to get pregnancy complications such as miscarriages or preterm labor. Even though your belly is getting bigger, it is still comfortable for you to move about.
Air travel during pregnancy.
Air travel during pregnancy is generally safe, however these tips can make it more comfortable and safe.
- choose an aisle which will allow you to get to the bathroom easily and stretch your legs
- avoid smaller planes. It is better to travel on major airlines with pressurized cabins
- Due to turbulence , make sure you are holding on to the seat while navigating the aisle
- most airlines allow pregnant women to travel through their first 8 months. During the 9 month, you may need your doctor’s permission to be allowed to travel
Land travel during pregnancy
It is safe to travel by car, bus or train during pregnancy. Here are some tips to make your travel safe and more comfortable.
- buckle up every time you travel by car. For good protection of you and your baby, you need to use both the shoulder and lap belt
- make sure your air bags are turned on
- travelling by bus can be challenging during pregnancy. It is safe to remain seated while the bus is moving. Hold on to your rails or seats to keep your balance while the bus is moving
- trains have more room to move around. However you need to hold on to the rails and seat backs while the train is moving
- use rest stops for stretching your legs and short walks
- you may want to limit travel time to about 5 to 6 hours
Sea travel during pregnancy.
Travelling by sea is safe for pregnant women. However the motion of the boat may cause morning sickness or make you feel nauseous. These tips may help you
- check with the cruise personnel if there is a medical person on board just in case you develop any complications
- make sure your medication for sea sickness is approved for pregnant women and poses no risk to you and your baby
- you may want to use seasickness bands. These use acupuncture points to relieve upset stomach. They are a better alternative than medicine
International travel during pregnancy.
If you plan to travel oversea while pregnant, you need to know and address these concerns.
- talk to your doctor about immunization and do carry your health records with you
- discuss safety measures for you and your baby before you travel overseas
- you should note that travelling overseas may expose you to a disease that is rare in the United States but common in the country you are visiting
- Visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for imformation about immunization, managing health issues during your trip and other ways you can stay healthy during travel.
Diarrhea is a major concern during international travels. You can take these precautionary measures to prevent diarrhea.
- drink lots of bottled water
- make sure milk is pasteurized
- use canned juices and soft drinks
- avoid fresh fruits and vegetables unless they have been peeled or cooked
- make sure all meat and fish are well cooked before you consume
When travelling :
- wear comfortable loose outfits and comfortable shoes
- carry a snack
- take a pillow
- carry a copy of your prenatal records
- plan for plenty of rest stops, restroom breaks and stretches
If possible, don’t travel alone during pregnancy
Content Sources
Is it safe to fly during pregnancy? Mayo Foundation. Accessed December 21, 2014
Travel During Pregnancy. March of Dimes. Accessed December 21, 2014