You are pregnant and not feeling attractive and wondering if  you can bronze your skin to boost your self esteem. Too much exposure to the sun whether you are pregnant or not increases your risk of premature aging and  melanoma.


Tanning  may have an effect on  your baby in  the following ways.?


Tanning beds :Healthcare professionals  advice against anything that will raise your body temperature during pregnancy. Tanning beds do elevate the body’s  temperature and these may result in spinal malformations in the baby.


UV rays have been linked to folic acid deficiency. Folic acid deficiency is known to increase neural tube defects such as spina bifida . This is especially important during the first trimester. You should note that during pregnancy , your skin is susceptible to burns and chloasma.


On the beach : Pregnancy makes your  skin sensitive to the sun. This can cause you to breakout in hives and heat rash. It can also result in worsening chloasma. You should take the same measures in the sun  whether you are pregnant or not.

  • wear wide brimmed hat
  • used sunscreen  with SPF 30 or more
  • drink lots of water to stay hydrated

If you feel dizzy, neaseated or tired go to a cool or air conditioned area.


From a bottle : This may be your best option during pregnancy.

There are many types of sunless tanning lotions, creams and foams that can give results. This is a good way to avoid the sun and decrease your risk of hives, chloasma and skin cancer.


One CONCERN is whether the active ingredient dihydroxyacetone (DHA) can penetrate the skin. Some health professionals therefore encourage women to wait until after the first trimester , just to be safe. Try a patch of your skin first when using these sunless tanners. During pregnancy, your skin is more sensitive and this may result in irritation.

Content Sources

Pregnancy and tanning. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed November 22, 2014
Is It Safe to Use Tanning Lotions & Tan While Pregnant? LIVESTRONG.COM Accessed November 22, 2014
Are sunbeds safe to use during pregnancy? NHS Choices. Accessed November 22, 2014

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