During pregnancy, it is common for the body to produce and retain more water. The body produces about 50% more blood and fluid to meet the needs of the developing baby. This causes swelling (edema) particularly in the face, hands, legs, ankles and feet. Swelling is more prominent during the last months of pregnancy and may get worse during hot summer months and towards the end of the day.
The extra fluid retention accounts for about 25% of a pregnant woman’s weight. This retention is needed to soften the body and enable it to expand as the baby develops. It also helps prepare the pelvic joints and other tissues for labor and delivery. Your body usually gets rids of the extra fluid in the days after delivery.
During the latter part of pregnancy, the growing size of the uterus exerts pressure on the veins in the legs and feet. This slows down circulation and causes even more fluid retention in the feet and ankle.
What factors affect swelling ?
Swelling can occur at anytime during pregnancy but it is usually noticeable in the fifth month and becomes more prominent in the third trimester. Factors that may influence swelling includes :
- high level of sodium intake
- diet low in potassium
- summertime heat
- standing for lone periods of time
- long days of activities
- high caffeine intake
You should note that slight swelling is to be expected during pregnancy. However a sudden swelling in your hands and feet could be a signs of preeclampsia. You should contact your healthcare provider right away if you notice this.
What can you do to treat swelling during pregnancy ?
Here are some steps you can take to manage and relieve swelling :
- rest with your feet elevated
- avoid standing or sitting with your feet on the floor for long periods of hours
- stand or walk in a pool
- stay in a cool place during hot summer days to avoid overheating
- wear supportive tights and stockings or get a leg massage
- avoid tight clothes around your waist and ankles
- drink lots of water, about 8 to the glasses a day to help flush the body and reduce water retention
- minimize your sodium intake
- avoid high heel if you can. Wear comfortable shoes
- use cold compression on swollen areas
When to contact your healthcare provider.
Contact your healthcare provider right away of you experience sudden or severe swelling in the hand , feet and face accompanied by symptoms such as
- dizziness
- severe headaches
- blurred vision
- severe pain in the abdomen
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