What is linea nigra ?
Linea nigra is also known as pregnancy line. It is the dark line that develops across the belly during pregnancy. Prior to pregnancy, this line is present but is light in color and may go unnoticed. It is called linea alba (white line). During pregnancy however it darkens, therefore acquiring the name linea nigra (black line). The pregnancy line stretches vertically down your belly from the pubis to the umbilicus. Linea nigra is never really black. It is brownish or darker in color. It usually shows up at the fifth month of pregnancy even though it may show earlier.
What causes linea nigra ?
The pregnancy line is a natural part of pregnancy. The exact cause is unknown however it is known to be related to changing in hormones or imbalance hormones as a result of the developing baby. Others believe that melanocyte stimulating hormone produced by the placenta is the main cause of the linea nigra. This hormone is also believed to be responsible for the darkening of the nipples.
What can you do to prevent linea nigra ?
There is nothing that can be done to prevent the pregnancy line. It a natural part of pregnancy and poses no harm to you or your baby. This line usually lightens and fades away shortly after the birth of your baby.
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