Deciding to breastfeed or bottle feed is the one of the first decisions expectant parents make.  Eventhough  breast milk is considered as the best natural source of nutrients for babies, the decision is ultimately that of the parents.

Many health professionals including the American Academy of Pediatricians  recommend breastfeeding your baby for the first year.


Breast milk  is the best source of nutrients for the first 6 months of life. It contains antibodies from the mother that can help babies fight infections. It also contains the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. Breast milk contains digestive enzymes and hormones that infants require.


Advantages of breastfeeding


Babies who are breast fed may have less

  • ear infections
  • skins diseases
  • allergy problems
  • intestinal or stomach problems
  • problems with digestion


Breastfed babies are also less likely to

  • be over weight
  • develop diabetes , high blood pressure or iron deficiency anemia
  • have tooth decay


Advantages that mothers who breast feed their babies have over those who formula feed their babies are :

  • less postpartum  bleeding
  • low-cost
  • no formula preparation
  • reduced risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer
  • lose weight easily
  • increased bond between mother and child
  • reduced risk of diabetes later in life


However mothers who breastfeed should make sure they

  • get plenty of rest
  • eat healthy
  • take good care of nipples and breast
  • understand that ANY medication you are taking may enter the breast milk and affect your baby. Consult your doctor about the safety of any medications you are taking if you plan to breastfeed.


Mothers who breastfeed their babies may encounter some problems . Most of these problems however can easily  be managed with the help of a lactation consultant. Some of the problems include :

  • infection of the breast or nipple
  • leaky breast
  • difficulty knowing how much milk your baby is taking
  • engorgement of the breast


Some mother’s MAY be advised  to avoid breastfeeding. These include women who

  • are severely malnourished
  • have HIV/AIDS
  • use street drugs or abuse alcohol severely
  • have hepatitis infection
  • have active, untreated tuberculosis
  • have active herpes on the breast


Some other problems you may encounter while trying to breastfeed are  the health and physical condition of your baby. Some babies who may have problems breastfeeding include :

  • premature babies
  • babies with birth defects such as cleft palate
  • small babies
  • babies who are physically weak


Pros and cons of formula feeding


One of the advantages of formula feeding is that anybody can feed the baby.


However formula feeding has the following disadvantages :

  • nutritional content depends on proper preparation
  • some babies may have difficulty tolerating it
  • high cost
  • you always have to carry formula and bottles around
  • increased  risk for infection if bottles and accessories are not well cleaned.


If you are having problems breastfeeding your baby or have questions about  breastfeeding your baby, contact your lactation consultant.

Content Sources
Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed November 2, 2014

Breastfeeding vs formula feeding. The Nemours Foundation. Accessed November 2, 2014

Breastfeeding vs. Bottle Feeding University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). Accessed November 2, 2014


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