A urine test is a routine test which is part of prenatal care. Your health care provider will ask you to collect a sample of clean midstream urine in a sterile plastic cup. Testing strips which are chemically prepared are dipped into the urine sample for certain indicators. More in-depth analysis may be done when urine sample is sent to the lab.
When are urine tests performed ?
You will have a urine test at your first prenatal visit and from time to time during your future prenatal visits. It is however normal for your health care provider to monitor your urine at each prenatal visit.
Why is a urine test done ?
A urine test is done to check for the following :
- dehydration
- preeclampsia
- bladder or kidney infection
- diabetes
The test screens for high levels of ketones, proteins, sugar and bacteria. High protein levels suggest a urinary tract infection or kidney diseases. High level of sugar may suggest gestational diabetes which usually starts around pregnancy week 20. High levels of proteins combined with high blood pressure may indicate preeclampsia.
What can a urine test result reveal ?
Sugar :Sugar in your urine does not necessarily mean you are diabetic. Your kidneys can leak urine from your blood stream into your urine. This is usually the case if your eat a large meal or drink a really sweet beverage. You should however be tested for gestational diabetes if consistent levels of sugar are detected and / or :
- you feel tired
- you feel thirsty consistently
- you are losing weight
Protein : Protein found in your urine may indicate a kidney problem such as an infection. It could also be a sign of preeclampsia if found later in pregnancy. Your healthcare provider will evaluate you for preeclampsia if you have accompanying symptoms such as high blood pressure and swelling of hands and feet.
Ketones : Ketones found during a urine test may indicate that your body is breaking down fats instead of carbohydrates. This may indicate that you are not getting enough to eat or you are dehydrated.
Bacteria : It may be a sign of urinary tract infection. You healthcare provider may take another urine sample through a catheter before determining which antibiotics to use.
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