Pregnancy is an exciting and emotional time especially when it is your first baby. Even though most women have healthy pregnancies , there are some pregnancy symptoms you should not ignore . You might be tempted to ignore these signs especially if you don’t know they signal bigger complications ahead. Knowing and monitoring these complications may save you and your baby from health issues.
Pregnancy symptoms you should not ignore .
Vaginal bleeding or spotting : Spotting may be normal. Heavy bleeding could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
Excessive nausea and vomiting : Nausea and vomiting is normal in pregnancy especially during the first trimester. However in severe cases where you cannot keep anything down, you need to contact your doctor right away. You may be treated for dehydration and given medications to control nausea.
Chills or high fever : A fever greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit during pregnancy can be serious. It could be a sign of infection which may affect your baby.
Pain or burning during urination or little or no urine : Bladder or urinary tract infection can cause these pregnancy symptoms. These infections if left untreated can lead to serious complications such as preterm labor and premature birth.
Vaginal discharge and itching : Vaginal discharge may be normal, however increased vaginal discharge could be a sign of infection that could harm your baby.
Persistent and severe leg cramps : A blood clot in the calf can lead to pain and swelling. If this blood clot travels to the lungs , it could be fatal.
Other pregnancy symptoms you should watch out for include :
- severe persistent headaches accompanied by blurred vision , numbness or slurred speech
- coughing up blood
- flare up of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes or asthma . If these underlying conditions are not well controlled, they can lead to serious consequences.
- fainting or dizzy spells with rapid heart beat
- shortness or breath or chest pain
- visual disturbances such as double vision, blurring, dimming, flashing lights or “floaters”
- sudden swelling in your legs, feet or rapid weight gain
- intense, persistent itching of arms, legs, palms, torso , soles or all over your body
- decreased fetal movement
If you are not sure if a pregnancy symptom is serious or not, give your health care provider a call or go to the emergency room.
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